There isn’t much you need to do to prep for a massage therapy appointment, although there are a few things to consider. First, make sure massage therapy is right for you. If you have any persistent pain or an injury that’s preventing you from doing your daily routine, then please make sure you get these symptoms properly checked and diagnosed by a doctor. If massage therapy is safe and encouraged then feel free to book with us!
It's best to wear comfortable clothing to your appointment, that can easily be taken off and back on. Most treatments are performed with the individual being undressed to comfort level, and draped modestly to ensure comfort. However, aside from a
massage with cupping, you can receive treatment fully clothed if preferred.
The best thing to do after a massage therapy treatment is hydrate! Make sure you drink plenty of water within the first 48 hours of treatment and also make sure to stay properly hydrated, in general, every day after.
Since we are working with the muscles, you may feel sore after a massage, much like you would after a tough workout. This is no cause for alarm. Just make sure to rest for a day or two after your massage. If you prefer to feel less sore, then let your therapist know and they will perform their techniques in a gentler manner or you can explore our stretch therapy.
Massage therapy is a wonderful hands-on approach to relaxing, healing, and rejuvenating the body. At Sacred Roots Holistic Healing, we specialize in a variety of massage techniques that are designed to reduce pain, tension, and stress and improve your quality of life.
Here you will find an upbeat, professional and laid-back atmosphere that has been specifically crafted to promote wellness and improve your chances of success. At our center, we take the time to treat each individual as a unique person with unique needs. If you're looking to focus more on your diet, we have an in-house
nutrition health coach!
Call us today for more information on our healing approach to massage therapy and how it can help you achieve the results you deserve.