One of the biggest trends in the fitness industry, especially for women, is building up your glutes. “Bunz of Steel” and other similar workouts emphasize gaining a bigger “butt”. While I don’t necessarily support the approach taken for the most part in my industry, I 100% support strengthening the glutes!
So many people suffer from low back pain caused by extended periods of sitting, or overworking the back in general. Typically, my first go to spots to help alleviate this issue are the abs and glutes!
Usually, the biggest culprit tends to be extremely weak glutes and a serious lack of proper posterior chain development. For a corrective exercise specialist, my job is to help you improve overall mobility in order to eliminate your ailments.
After your ankles and knees are properly stabilized, the next step is to focus on those thighs and glutes! Here, we can use a series of activation techniques to encourage your glutes and hamstrings to work properly.
With the posterior chain properly activated, strength training is the next step. Good mornings, squats, deadlifts, kettlebell swings and so many more wonderful exercises help to build a strong posterior chain. The fun thing about all of these exercises is that you don’t need a bar and weights to get the results, all you need is a few resistance bands and your own body!
Building a strong posterior chain and getting strong glutes is not just something for women. Everyone will benefit and especially those who suffer from low back pain!
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